Real-Time Stock Market Visualization

Welcome to the Stock Market Overview

The financial markets are constantly evolving, and it's crucial to stay on top of the trends. In this visualization, you can observe the real-time movements of three simulated stocks: KNGX, PNNL, and MNPL.

Each stock is represented by a candlestick chart, which provides valuable insight into the stock's performance over time. The open, high, low, and close prices are visualized for each second, allowing you to track even the smallest fluctuations in the market. Below, you’ll also see line charts that summarize the closing prices, making it easy to spot trends at a glance.

Hover over any part of the chart to get detailed information about that moment in time. The colors and styles are carefully chosen to distinguish each stock and give you a clear overview of the data. Watch as the data updates every second, reflecting the dynamic nature of the stock market.